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Real Estate: Renting vs Buying


 "Why would you rent? You are throwing away money with rent!"

"Buying a house to live in is an investment."

If you ever talk to someone that has been house shopping, have you ever noticed how they try to justify their spending on...

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The fastest way to get out of debt

I remember getting into debt quite quickly when I was out of my parents house and new into adulting. I kept getting brand new things because I could "afford it" meaning that I could squeeze yet another payment into my month.

It finally came to a...

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Why to NOT use a credit card for emergencies!

Have you ever heard anyone say that my credit card is my emergency fund? I have one just in case of emergencies. What happens if my kid get sicks or my partner loses their job? What if the car breaks down?

These are all excuses. An excuse is the...

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Write your Will today!

Have you ever heard the excuse "if I make a Will & Testament Statement, then it means I will die. So, I don't want to make one so I can keep living."


Let me tell you, you are going to die! 100% of the time, humans pass away. Most of...

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